Protect. Perform. Peace of mind.

We created our website security & maintenance plan to protect our clients sites from getting hacked.

Our aim is to take away the stress and worry of protecting your website. Prevention is better than cure and although we can fix an unprotected site that has been taken offline, defaced, or worst of all is now being used to attack other businesses – it can take a lot more time and money than a simple investment in preventing that in the first place.


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We continue to use Roman Britons for our website maintenance. I have been amazed and fascinated at the attempts by people from all over the world to illegally  – and more importantly unsuccessfully – log into the admin area of our site. We get monthly reports that explain in layman’s terms what is going on and why.

Bill Purvis

M.D., Rock Haulage

Protect. Perform. Peace of Mind.


We created our website maintenance and security plan to protect our clients by making sure their websites stayed online and available to potential customers 24/7.

That’s going well and still to this day we have 100% success rate of no hacks once on the plan. What we also realised was that, if left alone, websites slowed down over time, and that on occasion some clients could accidentally mess up their own sites!  Slow sites put visitors off – and there’s a double whammy because Google ranks them lower anyway – and of course no-one wants a messed up site, no matter how it happened!

You see, once a website is live, it’s not only important to protect it from hackers that can take your site down, or malware that can make your website do and display strange things, or unfortunate accidents any of which can ruin your Google rankings;  it’s also important to keep everything under the hood updated and compatible, making sure the site as a whole is running quickly and efficiently.

Our monthly plan includes all that and more. It gives you peace of mind and allows you to focus on running your business. We’re on your side making sure that month to month your site is protected, backed up, maintained, updated and is doing a great job of promoting and building your company’s reputation online.

Updates and Performance

We keep your site updated, maintained, cleaned; running smoothly and quckly.


  • WordPress monitored & updated
  • Plugins monitored and updated
  • Site cleaned and optimised

Monitoring and Protection

Your site is monitored and protected from spam, malware and hacking attempts.


  • Website protection
  • Automatic scanning
  • Hackers & spam blocked
  • Website reputation monitoring


Your site is backed up daily in multiple locations and can be restored at any time. Peace of mind even if you make a mistake!


  • Daily website backups
  • On & Off-site backup locations
  • Daily restore points

Monthly Reports

We send you a monthly report of your page views, site traffic and more.


  • Monthly reports on site traffic and further analyses
  • Detailed reports on what’s been done to keep your site secure and up to date


Got some simple little jobs that need doing now and then? An image changed, a new link added? All customers on our plan get up to four 15 minute jobs per month thrown in to take care of these. In addition, any extra work is charged out at a discount to our standard rate.

Peace of Mind on the Website Maintenance and Security Plan From Only

£57 per month
£570 per year (2 months free)

Discount for multiple sites

No minimum terms, set up or termination fees

Do you offer hosting and maintenance?


If you purchase both we’ll give you a discount on the combined package.

Are there any set up or cancellation fees?


You can leave whenever you want and then re-join.

What if I decide not to take the plan?

The plan is not mandatory, so you can choose not to take it, although if you don’t have a Plan B in mind you are, unfortunately, asking for trouble. Here are some of the risks:

Your site will not be optimised, which will over time lead to slower loading times which in turn leads to a loss of Google ranking and therefore less customers.

The number one cause of successful hacks is out of date WordPress, or theme or plugins. These things need updating every single month  and they need updating in a structured way. You can’t just put everything on auto update and expect it all to work. You absolutely can’t ignore updating and hope for the best.

It’s a really. really good idea to have regular backups, and for a copy of those backups to be kept in a totally different place to your actual site.

We are in your corner. When you need us, we’ll be there and if we are looking after your site on a daily basis we are much more likely to be able to sort out issues quickly. In fact, most of the time, we sort issues before you and your customers even knew they existed!

What if I pass on the plan and my site gets hacked?

We will work with the hosting company to get a clean copy of your site back online. The time taken to do this can vary wildly from incident to incident and we’ll give you our best estimate as soon as we are able. You are likely looking at somewhere above £300.

Once it’s back up, we’d recommend joining the plan to prevent further attacks. In the “real” world a burgled property is statistically more likely to be hit again than an unburgled property and we want to guard against that in the online world too.

What if my site gets hacked whilst on the plan?

Well, so far so good, it’s not happened yet. But we can’t guarantee it won’t. Huge corporations, governments even, get hacked and they pour millions into trying to prevent it. What we can say is it is far less likely on the plan than off it and that prevention is a better investment than the cost of cure.

If it does happen, we’ll work with the hosting provider to return your site to a clean copy.

Does my bonus time rollover?

No, it’s an as needed perk only.

How quickly do you do the monthly updates?

We give priority to customers on our plan  – as well as doing extra work at a discount. You should normally expect small jobs to be completed within the week and usually faster than that. Our record is within 10 minutes!