Email Marketing

Email marketing is likely your most reliable return on investment.


How we can help.



  • Email Marketing is the classic way to establish a relationship with your customers.
  • The great thing about email, is that like your website – and unlike for example Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram etc – you own the data and how it is presented, stored and retrieved.
  • Providing you use this wisely, and with empathy, it is a powerful tool.






















Too busy to read? Watch short videos instead!

Email is dead? Long live email !


When music videos, and especially MTV hit the scene, the death of radio was widely predicted (anyone remember The Buggles?).

Advances in digital lead to repeated forecasts of the paperless office. Not exactly there yet, are we?

And so it is with eMail. Any number of collaboration tools and apps are going to render it superfluous……and yet, and yet. My inbox suggests otherwise – how about yours?

The thing that ties these together, in the face of “superior” solutions, is convenience and familiarity.

This has led to a popularity that is hard to shake. For eMail of course, that popularity is a two-edged sword; and so if you are going to use it to connect with your audience, you have to do it well.

Email Etiquette

Get Seen

Interact on Social Media

Exceed expectations

Deliver outstanding content.

Build Relationships

Give your customers reasons to stay with you






















Your Challenge!


How will you build an email list?

How do you ensure that the people receiving your emails are happy about that?

How do you increase your chances of converting readers to paying customers?

Our Solution!


  • We can build email optins on your website that automatically update your email software.
  • We’ll set you up in MailChimp, which is software that enables you to send bulk emails
  • We’ll make sure you comply with privacy legislation
  • We can help you build automated email sequences






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